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Quality Label for Badge Recognition


Quality Label for Badge Recognition



The Quality Label for Badge Recognition (further referred to as Quality Label) signifies a commitment to upholding quality standards in badge-issuing activities. By fostering a community dedicated to delivering quality learning opportunities and skill recognition, it aims to offer additional credibility and reliability in recognising and promoting quality Open Badge issuance practices.

This playlist will provide valuable insights into the Quality Label and its significance to the learning community across all sectors. You will be guided step by step in understanding the structure, criteria, and procedures for obtaining and maintaining the Quality Label.

Watch the following video presentation to prepare for the playlist activities.

By completing the playlist activities, you will get to know actors involved in the Quality Label process, explore why your organisation should pursue it, and get familiar with the essential criteria and steps in the application process. Additionally, we will discuss how compliance is evaluated and maintained, supported by practical documentation and technical solutions.

Playlist activities:
  1. Activity One: What is a Quality Label for Badge Recognition?
  2. Activity Two: Who is involved in the process of acquiring Quality Label?
  3. Activity Three: The criteria to get a Quality Label for Badge Recognition
  4. Activity Four: The main steps to receive the Quality Label

You can download the Quality Label for Badge Recognition Guide, which explains its structure, content and main features.

Activities to complete

Complete the following activities, earn badges and you will see your playlist progress updated
What is a Quality Label for Badge Recognition?
30 minutes
View full activity


Let's look into who is involved in acquiring the Quality Label for Badge Recognition. The following actors have a role in the Quality Label process.

  • Quality Label recipients;
  • Quality Label issuers;
  • In some cases, Quality Label endorsers may be involved

Quality Label recipients

Recipients of the Quality Label are learning providers who issue digital Open Badges in any education, learning and training field. They are committed to upholding Quality Label standards in their badge-issu- ing activities. The Quality Label can be issued to any organisation or individual registered to a Cities of Learning or Awero platform with an Organiser account. The potential recipients of the Quality Label will be generally referred to as Organisers.

Quality Label issuers

The Cities of Learning Network is the sole official issuer of the Quality Label for Badge Recognition. Cities of Learning Network members have the necessary expertise and form a Quality Label evaluation committee, following specific assessment guidelines, to evaluate the applications received. The Quality Label committee is composed of members qualified in Open Badge recognition and, as detailed below, is responsible for making the final decisions on whether to issue each Quality Label.

Quality Label endorsers

Endorsement is giving public approval and support for an Open Badge, an Activity or an Organiser. It shows trust, provides visibility and creates new opportunities.

Possible endorsers of the Quality Label can include diverse stakeholders, such as local, regional and national government institutions, public institutions, educational institutions (e.g. schools, universities, vocational training centres, etc.), employers and businesses, NGOs and networks of organisations working in the field of education, training, learning and employment, at national and international level.

Receiving an endorsement from key stakeholders is optional for the Cities of Learning Network. However, it may be helpful to have endorsers at the national and local levels to support badge recognition better, and any statements of support for the Quality Label by important stakeholders at all levels will be valuable to promote it and increase its visibility and trustworthiness.

Get your badge!

Go to the badge task and add your evidence of understanding of roles and actors involved in the Quality Label for badge recognition.

Cities of Learning Network created and manages this activity facilitating the Quality Label for badge recognition implementation.

Get activity badge

Badge Quality Label Interest Get this badge

Badge informationEndorsements
Badge earner knows the roles of the main parties involved in the implementation of the Quality Label for badge recognition. People can clearly express their interest in the Quality Label process.

To earn this badge, person:
  • Got to know about the roles of the main parties involved in the Quality Label for badge recognition;
  • Expressed their interest to be involved in the Quality Label process;
  • If needed, asked questions to understand better how they can be involved in the Quality Label implementation.

Cities of Learning Network members reviewed and validated badge evidence. 
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Get to know about the roles of the main parties involved in the Quality Label for badge recognition implementation and respond to the following questions:
  1. Briefly explain your organisation's interest in the  Quality Label process (e.g. receive, issue, endorse - in one, some or all roles).
  2. In your capacity, how can you be involved in the Quality Label process?
  3. Who else should be involved in the Quality Label implementation, and how should they be?
Optional: What questions do you have about roles and main parties involved in the Quality Label?
Activities: 4
Started: 73
Completed playlist: 4
Time to complete: 7 hours


Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union