Let’s look at the main steps to receive the Quality Label:
- To complete a specific online training course
- To submit an application form
- And to pass a formal evaluation process
However, before an Organiser can embark on this journey, some essential conditions must be met: we will describe these as “step 0” because they are foundational steps into the process.
Step 0: The essentials
The aspiring Quality Label holder must register as an Organiser on one of the Awero platforms, such as Cities of Learning, and request verification for their Organiser account.
The Organiser should review information about all the steps to complete to get the Quality Label, which is made available on the platform, and about the values of the Cities of Learning Network, which they must be willing to adhere to.
Moreover, it is necessary for the Organiser to have been actively using badges for at least 6 months prior to applying for the Quality Label. Evidence of this must be provided in the application form.

Step 1: Training
The Organiser (at least one staff member) must complete the digital playlist “Quality Label for Badge Issuing”, which will guide them through the process of becoming “Quality Label ready”. Having completed this playlist is a requirement for applying for the Quality Label.
A second playlist called “Creating quality Open Badges and badge systems” is also part of the specific Quality Label online training, and it’s meant to help the Organiser learn how to create and issue quality badges; this second playlist is recommended but not mandatory.
Cities of Learning Network members will review evidence in a standardised way and assess the participants’ learning outcomes.
Step 2: Applying
The Organiser, now experienced in issuing quality badges and informed about the Quality Label’s requirements, can fill in and submit the application form to request the Quality Label.
They should provide as evidence several examples of good practices in badge design and implementation, such as links to badges earned from the Quality Label online training (showing the expertise of the Organiser’s staff) and quality badges created and issued as an Organiser (showing adherence to the established quality standards).
They should also provide a quality assurance and improvement plan for the next 3 years of badging activities within their organisation, as well as a declaration of their willingness and commitment to adhere to the values of the Cities of Learning Network and provide qualitative learning content. These are included in the application form.
Step 3: Evaluation process
- A qualified experts’ committee within the Cities of Learning Network evaluates the Organiser’s application, checking all submitted evidence, and provides feedback to the Organiser in a maximum of 90 days.
- If the Organiser fulfils the necessary requirements the Quality Label is issued and it is made clearly visible on the Cities of Learning platform on the Organiser’s profile.
- Otherwise, if the Quality Label cannot be granted yet, the Organiser will receive detailed feedback on which areas of their application need improvement, and can try again.
Applications should be submitted in English, but the Cities of Learning Network recognises the possibility that some applicants can submit their application and/or provide some of the evidence in a language different from English.
The Cities of Learning Network can guarantee the evaluation of applications/evidence submitted in languages different from English only when there is a native speaker of the chosen language on the evaluation committee. Languages currently available, besides English, are Catalan, Dutch, Italian, Lithuanian, Serbian, Slovene and Spanish.
Sustainable badge practices and Quality Label renewal
Once the Quality Label is issued, it has a validity period of 3 years. The Organiser should then renew it by following a shortened procedure aimed at assessing whether the Organiser is consistently compliant with the Quality Label standards, e.g. by providing evidence of at least one of their current staff members having completed the Quality Label online training.
During application, each Organiser must provide a quality assurance and improvement plan for the next 3 years, which the evaluators can review when assessing requests for renewal of the Quality Label.
The Cities of Learning Network’s evaluation committee evaluates applications to renew the Quality Label and make a decision, which will be communicated to the Organiser in a maximum of 90 days.
Note: the Quality Label may be revoked before its expiry date by the Cities of Learning Network if the Network receives any well-founded reports of non-compliance about a Quality Label holder. The evaluation committee will investigate such reports before any decision is taken. If their Quality Label is revoked ahead of time, the Organiser will be notified via email.
Cities of Learning Network created and manages this activity facilitating the Quality Label for badge recognition implementation.