Trio peer support is part of the 360° appraisal process and comes after you have done your self-assessment and collected relevant feedback. Therefore, the steps that you should not miss before meeting your trio are:
- Step 1: Complete your self-assessment by using the Appraiser platform. We recommend you self-assess all 7 competence areas, but we leave the final choice to you.
- Step 2: Collect feedback from people who have seen you in action as a trainer. These people should have diverse roles: colleague trainers, contractors and participants. Ideally, you should gather 10 feedback forms (for the same competence area). You can ask for feedback on all 7 competence areas or choose 1 or 2. The important thing is that you have feedback from approximately 10 different people for each competence area you choose. You can use Feedback options on the AppRaiser platform for this as well.
You are ready to meet your trio after completing these two steps.