
Stritarjeva ulica 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


Stritarjeva ulica 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
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What a Hack is Luhtak?

As an adult you find playing with toys foolish, don’t you? When you were a kid, you were in such a hurry to grow up. You are an adult now, with more stuff on your plate to deal with, little time for silly little things anymore, although you miss them. The Luhtak project is an idea to bring the childhood back to you, at this very moment.

Attracted to ready‑made solutions, there's not much left for a person to do in the modern world. What about a handmade doll? The doll you can make by yourself! Luhtak is not just a handmade doll, it is more than that, isn’t available at any store. You can’t have it unless you make it. It can be your amulet or a gift to someone you love. It can be an extraordinary object on your wall or table as the revival of an ancient culture. It can be everything you see in it. It is a special doll because you are the one who makes it.

Making Luhtak can be a little bit challenging. No one said it’s easy. But who doesn’t love a bit of challenge? It’s challenging because Luhtak invites you into an imaginary world where you are welcome to reveal your passion for beauty and creation. It is difficult because it asks you to be a child again, to believe in magic and the power of good spells.

Our ancestors made luhtak, or in other words a charmed doll, to cure a person from health complications or to protect the person from evil spirits. Traditionally, it was believed that when a person encounters bad luck or in life‑threatening situations, a luhtak should be thrown into a river or burned. In this ritual, the luhtak is sacrificed as an exchange for a person’s life to the world of spirits. That’s why to protect the whole family, a luhtak was made for each and every family member.

Although the charmed dolls were deeply rooted in many cultures, this tradition is on the brink of disappearance. Luhtaks are still popular in the remote mountainous villages of Tajikistan. They are not only talismans but also kids’ favorite toys. Therefore, there is an association among locals calling luhtak the Tajik version of a barbie doll.

Why Luhtak?
The Luhtak project brings several ideas together for couple of reasons. The process of making luhtak is known for its joy, creativity and innovation. We believe that a luhtak must be made only when we are in good mood. Some people even avoid using any sharp or cutting objects. Luhtak is allowed to be filled with positive energy only! Luhtak‑making, on the other hand, connects us to our childhood and helps us to see the mystery and beauty of the world. It brings us back to the world full of possibilities and to be a child with limitless imagination. Besides, the idea is to learn and connect to the traditions of ancient cultures and keep them alive.

Lastly but not least, the process of making luhtak is based on the guiding principles of Zoroastrianism. It starts with good mood as the process of Good Thoughts in our minds. The doll making can be perceived as a meditation where we only chant Good Words. And, when the doll is finished, so the choice is ours to act good (Good Deeds).

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If we earned this badge, this means we made a luhtak - our charm doll, to save us from health complications or protect us from evil spirits. If bad luck comes or is a threat to our life, our luhtak should be thrown into a river or burned. In this ritual, the luhtak is intended to be an exchange for our's life to the spirits.
Naloga št.1
Dokaze preveril: En organizator dejavnosti
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Stritarjeva ulica 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia



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