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Guide to aquiring the Quality Label for Badge Recognition

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Quality Label for Badge Recognition benefits all

Why should Organisers apply for Quality Label?

  • Increases trust, credibility, recognition and visibility
  • Improves quality of badge-issuing activities
  • Includes the essential data for external recognition
  • Offers learning experiences to develop and improve skills and competencies
  • Motivates to offer qualitative content and activities

How can learners benefit from Quality Label?

  • Showcases quality learning journeys
  • Facilitates the next steps in learners' pathway

Why should stakeholders consider Quality Label?

  • Demonstrates commitment to quality learning and recognition
  • Benefits from an increase in credibility, trust and visibility

Steps to receive Quality Label for Badge Recognition

Step 0: Essentials

The aspiring Quality Label holder must register as an Organiser on the Cities of Learning platform and request verification for their Organiser account.

Step 1: Training

At least one staff member of the Organiser must complete the Quality Label online training to learn how to create and issue quality badges.

Step 2: Applying

After gaining badge issuing experience, an Organiser can familiarise with the Quality Label’s requirements, complete a self-assessment and fill in the Quality Label online application request.

Step 3: Assessment

A Cities of Learning Network expert's team evaluates the Organiser’s application by reviewing submitted evidence, and provides decision to Organisers within 90 days time.

Explore badge recognition strategies

The Quality Label for Badge Recognition increase digital Open Badges visibility, trust and credibility therefore contributing to overall badge recognition. Several Cities of Learning partners have developed badge recognition strategies adapted to our national and local realities. Explore all strategies here.

Badgecraft vodi spletno infrastrukturo za mesta in regije učenja in jo razvija skupaj z vodilnimi izobraževalnimi organizacijami. Evropski konzorcij razvija to platformo s pomočjo sofinanciranja programa Evropske unije Erasmus+. Kontaktirajte support@badgecraft.eu.
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