) is, together with the Public Institute [Mladi Zmaji](), organising a festival of contemporary art that will take place **in Ljubljana from October 9 to October 13, 2023**.
The festival is taking place in Ljubljana under the _topic_: **FUTURE OF EUROPE - CODE GREEN.**
Under a public call this summer, we have selected and supported **4 socially engaged visual art performances **by artists, which you will be able to see between 10.10. and 12.10. in Ljubljana. All young artists will present themselves in various locations, addressing challenges and issues related to the environment and climate change with their projects.
Check out the [schedule]() of performances or follow the description below:
- Tuesday, _10th of October 2023 at 12h at ŠPICA PARK_: **Artistic group MUE** and their performance of "Restoring a degraded water environment through care and deep listening"
- Wednesday, _11th of October 2023 at 11h in front of Gallery KRESIJA_: Artistic duo **Nenad Avramovic and Jelena Mirkovic** and their work "OUR BELOVED"
- Thursday, 1_2th of October 2023 at 16.30 in frong of Gallery CUKRARNA_: Artictis duo **Anne Fehres and Luke Conroy** with their wor "UNFOLDING".
The [BITE of Art]() project in general is aimed at empowering performers in the field of culture with knowledge of marketing, business, ICT and communication, combined with the implementation of innovative contemporary art events and the creation of a comprehensive package, the aim of which is to redefine the approach of contemporary art to the market and encourage young people as a new contemporary art audience.
All performances will be recorded and will become part of the permanent BITE tour, accessible to visitors through the BITE app (download it freely via Google or Apple app store). Contemporary art can be a powerful tool for changing society for the better, with the goal of addressing and reflecting our relationship and behaviour in coexistence with nature.
_The BITE of Art project is co-financed by the EU Creative Europe program (2021-2027). The Slovenian partners of the project are TiPovej Institute and Public Institute Young Dragons._">
As part of the international project "BITE Of Art 2.0", Zavod TiPovej! is, together with the Public Institute Mladi Zmaji, organising a festival of contemporary art that will take place in Ljubljana from October 9 to October 13, 2023.
The festival is taking place in Ljubljana under the topic: FUTURE OF EUROPE - CODE GREEN.
Under a public call this summer, we have selected and supported 4 socially engaged visual art performances by artists, which you will be able to see between 10.10. and 12.10. in Ljubljana. All young artists will present themselves in various locations, addressing challenges and issues related to the environment and climate change with their projects.
Check out the schedule of performances or follow the description below:
Tuesday, 10th of October 2023 at 12h at ŠPICA PARK: Artistic group MUE and their performance of "Restoring a degraded water environment through care and deep listening"
Wednesday, 11th of October 2023 at 11h in front of Gallery KRESIJA: Artistic duo Nenad Avramovic and Jelena Mirkovic and their work "OUR BELOVED"
Thursday, 12th of October 2023 at 16.30 in frong of Gallery CUKRARNA: Artictis duo Anne Fehres and Luke Conroy with their wor "UNFOLDING".
The BITE of Art project in general is aimed at empowering performers in the field of culture with knowledge of marketing, business, ICT and communication, combined with the implementation of innovative contemporary art events and the creation of a comprehensive package, the aim of which is to redefine the approach of contemporary art to the market and encourage young people as a new contemporary art audience.
All performances will be recorded and will become part of the permanent BITE tour, accessible to visitors through the BITE app (download it freely via Google or Apple app store). Contemporary art can be a powerful tool for changing society for the better, with the goal of addressing and reflecting our relationship and behaviour in coexistence with nature.
The BITE of Art project is co-financed by the EU Creative Europe program (2021-2027). The Slovenian partners of the project are TiPovej Institute and Public Institute Young Dragons.
Recipient of this badge actively participated in the "BITE Of Art 2.0" contemporary art Festival that took place in Ljubljanafrom October 9 to October 13, 2023, under the topic: FUTURE OF EUROPE - CODE GREEN.
Vous devez terminer au moins 2 tâches pour obtenir ce badge
Tâche n°1
Preuve vérifiée par: en auto-approbation
Participate in the festival.
Tâche n°2
Preuve vérifiée par : un organisateur de l'activité
Shortly evaluate your experience of the Festival:
What did you like?
What you would like to point out?
What you did not like/ woud improve if invited to participate again?
What will you take with you?
What was or you the cherry on top of an ice-cream ... that 1 little thing you will remember?
Note: You will need to sign up with an email to answer and recieve a badge, but your answers will be use for internal purposes and anonymously.
Tâche n°3
Preuve vérifiée par : un organisateur de l'activité
Is there anything else you would like to share with the organizers?
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