Quality Label for Badge Recognition

Quality Label for Badge Recognition Reviewer

Märgi informatsioonEndorsements
Teil on vaja saada kõik märgid allolevast nimekirjast
Badge earners became familiar with the Quality Label for Badge Recognition and reviewed its requirements, steps and documentation.
By completing the “Quality Label for Badge Issuing” playlist, the recipient of this badge:
> Knows about the Quality Label stakeholders (recipients, issuers, and endorsers);
> Understands why badge issuers pursue Quality Label and benefits for their organisation.
> Is familiar with the Quality Label compliance criteria and indicators.
> Can follow the steps in the application process to obtain the Quality Label and explain them to others.
The Cities of Learning Network issued this badge after the badge earner completed all playlist activities and submitted badge evidence.
Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
Finish all playlist activities.


Quality Label for Badge Recognition
Badgecraft käitab veebi taristut Õppimise linnade ja regioonide jaoks. Euroopa konsortsium arendab seda platvormi kaasrahastusega Euroopa Liidu programmist Erasmus+.
Vaheta keelt:
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union