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Who is involved in the process of acquiring Quality Label?

Badge Quality Label Interest

Informații despre insignăValidări
Badge earner knows the roles of the main parties involved in the implementation of the Quality Label for badge recognition. People can clearly express their interest in the Quality Label process.

To earn this badge, person:
  • Got to know about the roles of the main parties involved in the Quality Label for badge recognition;
  • Expressed their interest to be involved in the Quality Label process;
  • If needed, asked questions to understand better how they can be involved in the Quality Label implementation.

Cities of Learning Network members reviewed and validated badge evidence. 
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: un organizator al activității
Get to know about the roles of the main parties involved in the Quality Label for badge recognition implementation and respond to the following questions:
  1. Briefly explain your organisation's interest in the  Quality Label process (e.g. receive, issue, endorse - in one, some or all roles).
  2. In your capacity, how can you be involved in the Quality Label process?
  3. Who else should be involved in the Quality Label implementation, and how should they be?
Optional: What questions do you have about roles and main parties involved in the Quality Label?
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Who is involved in the process of acquiring Quality Label?
Quality Label for Badge Recognition
Badgecraft găzduiește această platformă și o dezvoltă împreună cu organizații educaționale de top. Programul Uniunii Europene Erasmus+ a acordat cofinanțare pentru construirea primei versiuni a acestei platforme. Contactați
Schimbați într-o altă limbă:
Cofinanțat de programul Erasmus+ al Uniunii Europene
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