On behalf of the team of Cities and Regions of Learning we are glad to invite you to participate in the international training activity ‘Connecting Cities of Learning in Europe’. The initiative introduces two online platforms called "Ljubljana city of learning" and "Cagliari Metropolitan city of learning." Both platforms allow young people to easily search through numerous out-of-school programs based on their interests in their cities.
The training course serves as an opportunity for organisations from Ljubljana and Cagliari to learn to examine and analyze the needs of young people in their cities, map the learning opportunities and link them to digital badges and make the most use of the platform.
The training course consists of a number of activities. The current activity aims to get familiar with the existing learning opportunities provided by the Ljubljana Public Education Centre - Cene Štupar. Furthermore, participants are invited to discuss their purpose and place within the "Connecting Cities and Regions of Learning" (CRoL), the opportunities for partnership and being part of the CRoL family.
Jums jāpabeidz visi uzdevumi, lai iegūtu nozīmīti
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Describe the recognised benefits of the CRoL initiative for your organisation (badges, activities, what is the platform till lacking, ...).
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